How to add a new organization and delete an existing organization?

To add a new organization

Step 1

Head to Settings.

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Step 2

Choose 'My Organizations'.

Screenshot 2024-08-01 130045

Step 3

In the My Organizations section, click on the 'Add Organization' button to proceed.

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Step 4

Enter all required details, then click the 'Save Changes' button to complete the process.

Screenshot 2024-08-01 130130

To delete an existing organization

Step 1

Click on your profile icon in the window's top right corner, then select the organization you wish to delete.Screenshot 2024-12-20 144914

Step 2

Navigate to the Settings menu.

Screenshot 2024-06-18 144357

Step 3

Select 'Organizations' to view the settings for your current organizations.

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Step 4

Locate the Danger Zone section and click on the 'Delete Your Organization' button to initiate the deletion process.

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